The Back Mountain Regional Fire and EMS Department offers one of the most aggressive benefit packages to volunteer fire rescue and EMS personnel in the region. Our belief is that our volunteers should be awarded and recognized for the contributions they make within our system while protecting and serving the citizens and visitors of our fire protection region.

Personal Protective Equipment

All personal protective equipment (PPE) are provided to use at no cost to ensure you can do your job safely and effectively. The BMR system provides the highest quality personal protective equipment in order to provide the highest level of safety for our volunteers

Free Fire and EMS training and continuing education

All required minimum training for every position is provided at no cost to the volunteer. In addition, any requested training above entry level is provided to our volunteers at no cost. This includes local, state, regional and national training opportunities.

Accident and life Insurance

A supplemental insurance policy is provided at no cost to the volunteer if the volunteer has met his or her benefit requirements.

Retirement Program

Back Mountain Regional provides a defined retirement program with yearly contributions for active volunteers who meet the requirements. A contribution is made to an account based on your activity level each year.

Fitness Club Membership

All active volunteers are offered a free gym membership to a local facility. BMR encourages volunteers to take advantage of this program and prioritize their health and fitness . This membership includes access to personal trainers who will tailor a program to your needs.